Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Decisions, decisions & an exciting announcement!

The players......

From left to right: A high whorl Golding Ring Spindle in Celtic knotwork. The middle one I can't remember anything about. It belongs to my daughter and I think is Zebra wood. Unsure of the maker but I love it. It is a solid worker and beautiful to boot. The left is the fancy rabbit spindle by Woolly Designs. (Don't tell the others but Rabbit is my favorite of these 3.) I have to decide how think I will spin the yarn since these are all different weights. The Golding spindle weighs the most so if I use that it will be a thicker yarn. These are the only spindles that don't already have something started on them.

The Fiber......

The fiber is a 50/50 blend of superwash merino and tencel called "Dragonfly" by Highland Handmades. Isn't it beautiful? The photo doesn't show it well but it has a fabulous luster. I have no idea what I will make with it once spun but most of my spinning happens that way. Sometimes an idea comes to me once I start working with it. Sometimes it needs to be yarn before the idea comes. I got it from the new local yarn shop WHERE I AM GOING TO BE TEACHING DROP SPINDLE SPINNING!!! I am VERY excited to addict, um teach new people how to spin. You can see the details on the calendar here:  It will be a Sunday afternoon class for anyone interested.
Not spindle related but knitting related which I figure is close enough. Check out the progress on a hat I have been trying to finish the band on for at least 3 years. I know this because the yarn store I bought the yarn and pattern at has been closed for at least 3 years. (and I miss it immensely even though the new local store is awesome) I think I have probably been working on it for 5 years according to my calculations. Yes I am that kind of knitter. At least I am finally finishing it. It turns out if you just knit a few rows each day you eventually reach the end. Who knew?


It is the Basket Lattice Cap pattern by Vermont Wool Company: I will post a photo of it modeled once it is completed. I have decided I am going to try to not begin new knitting projects until I complete at least one old project. We shall see how that plan works in the long term. I figure spindling doesn't count. I can only do as many as I have spindles after all. (Tho that would be a good excuse to buy more spindles. Hmmmm) Wish me luck!

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