Saturday, September 1, 2012

Under Resurrection

After a long hiatus from blogging about my fiber pursuits, I have decided to resurrect my blog. Thanks to the addition of a new fabulous yarn store in my area I am finally getting my fibery groove back. Having a place to share my musings and projects helps keep me on task to actually finish some of those projects as well. I tend to get sidetracked at times. Not to mention it is a great outlet since my family doesn't get quite as excited about these things as I do. Please be patient as I re-design the blog and add information for other spindler fans. Thank you!


  1. Is this dedicated to knitting? I would love to learn, but my mother has given up. Alas. I am all thumbs.

  2. Hello! This will have some knitting on it but it is mainly about the yarns I spin. Have you tried watching videos and learning? It does take some practice. Here is a good website for beginning: I actually learned to spin before I learned to knit. You can do it!!
