Sunday, September 2, 2012

From the vault

I was going through some old photos this morning and found a few of these. By old I mean the kind you took and then had to get developed before you could see the photo. I remember being at an event with my kids and taking a picture with my 35mm camera. They asked to "see" the photo right then. With a digital camera that is possible, with the 35mm of my day not so much. The first is me with my pet sheep as a kid. His name was Nicko. I will have to look for the photos I have of him grown with his full fleece. He was a hampshire cross. I would kill to have that fleece to spin today. We kept it immaculate. Sadly back then we just sold it to the man who did his shearing each year.

Theses are some of yarns I did on my spindle years ago. Some skeins I still have, others went into projects.

The skein on the far left went into this pair of socks. I still have them. I don't wear them much because they are very heavy and overly warm. They make my feet sweat like mad. I spun the yarn quite thickly and it has a bit of a mohair feel to it as well. It is the typically "itchy" wool which gives all wool a bad wrap. (Not all wool is itchy FYI.) It sure is pretty though and has a great sheen to it, even now. These were also the first pair of socks I have ever knit.

And this one is me with my children at a Union Maine founders day event many years ago. Union has the cutest common area. They are both in high school now and tower over me. I remember that I was spinning an angora rabbit and wool blend on my wheel of the time, a Country Craftsman.

Well I'm off to work on some projects waiting to be finished. I hope everyone is having a great holiday weekend!

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