Friday, September 28, 2012

Of spindle classes and free patterns

The spindle class I taught went super well. I had 4 students and they all picked it up very quickly. I am such a numbscull tho and totally forgot to take a photo of everyone's 1st skein. This is a pic of the spindle I like to use to teach.

I like that is it just a toy wheel spindle that I made. It shows people that you don't need to spend a lot of money to spin yarn. It works just the same as any fancy spindle.

Now for the freebie.

I tried to upload my fingerless mitts pattern on Ravelry but hit a roadblock. I'm not the most technically savvy person. I'm pretty sure I just need to try again but in the meantime here it is:


I made this by tweaking my mothers basic mitten pattern.

Needs: 4 double pointed needles, 1 stitch holder, darning needle for finishing your ends.

I usually use size 4 DPN's for womens mitts using lambs pride worsted (shown in purple) or cascade baby alpaca chunky. (shown in pink below)  Or you can use handspun of your own making.

Cast on 12 sts to each needle (3 needles) to work cuff.  (36 sts total)
I use a version of the cable cast on so it is stretchy.
Join and....      

K2 P2 for 20-30 rds for cuff size. (to preference)

K8 straight for rds.

Begin thumb gusset as follows:

(note: my increases are knit into the back of the next stitch (what I call the purl bobble part)
to prevent holes but any increase will work)

K2, inc 1, K1, inc 1, finish rd. K 2 more rds.

K2, inc 1, K3, inc 1, finish rd. K 2 more rds.

K2, inc 1, K5, inc 1, finish rd. K 2 more rds.

K2, inc 1, K7, inc 1, finish rd. K 2 more rds.

K2, slide 11 sts onto stitch holder, cast on 3 sts, join and finish rd.

K 15 or 20 rds (more or less to preference/size) for length of hand.
(remember to factor in about ½ inch for end of hand ribbing)

K2, P2 for 4 rounds.

Bind off.


Transfer 11 sts from holder onto two needles, K across stitches.
Pick up 5 sts and finish rd. K 4 rds for size. (more or less to preference/size)

K2,P2 for 4 rounds.

Bind off. Finish ends.

**To make this even easier you can skip knitting the complete thumb. After knitting the thumb gusset, instead of slipping stitches onto a holder bind them off instead. (JUST those 11 stitches!) Continue the rest of the pattern as written. **

Pattern by Marie Finnegan, Whorled Fleece

I knit a lot of these because they seem to be a hit with people that work outside but need their fingers free. Any mitten pattern you love can be adjusted as well.

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